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Dental Treatments

What is Implant?

An implant is an artificial tooth root made of suitable materials that is placed into the jawbone with the aim of restoring the function and aesthetics of missing teeth.

What are the Benefits of Implant Application?

Implant treatment is a comfortable, durable, and reliable procedure. Dentures on implants mimic the natural structure while taking the place of real teeth. While completing missing teeth, it ensures that healthy teeth remain untouched.

Is Implant Treatment Long-Lasting?

Implants are much more durable compared to dentures. Research and development for creating safe implants have been ongoing since the early 1800s. Nowadays, there are implants on the market with almost perfect success rates and clinical follow-ups of 35-40 years. For more detailed information, you can consult your dentist.

Can Implants Be Applied to Every Patient?

Implant screws are structures with a specific thickness and width. Therefore, in the area where implant placement is intended, the jawbone should have sufficient height and width to accommodate this implant screw. The quality of the existing bone is one of the factors that affects the success of the implant. Additionally, before the treatment and during the time the implant remains in the mouth, the gum tissues should be completely healthy.

As long as the patient’s general health condition is good, there is no upper age limit that would prevent implant placement. Implants can be applied to anyone with good general health. However, it may not be preferred to perform implant procedures on very young patients whose bone development is not complete.

How Long is the Total Treatment Duration of Implants?

In today’s dentistry, it is even possible to perform implant surgeries in as little as 10 minutes. The total duration of the treatment varies depending on the operation method determined according to your tooth and bone structure. Typically, the procedure is completed around the 2nd. month after the first surgery. During this period, you can continue your normal daily life with temporary dentures.

Can My Dentures Be Attached Immediately After Implants are Placed?

To ensure complete integration of implants with the bone, it is necessary to minimize the load on the implants during the first 2-3 months. Your dentist will provide you with temporary dentures during this healing period to prevent you from going without teeth. Later on, permanent teeth will be mounted onto the implants to finalize the treatment.

Is Cleaning the Implants Important?

Yes, it is very important. Considering that implants are foreign objects in the mouth, it is essential to emphasize that their cleanliness is as important as, if not more important than, cleaning your natural teeth.

The cleaning of implants is not significantly different from regular tooth cleaning, and your dentist will provide you with detailed explanations about the cleaning methods. It is important to remember that regular oral care is the most crucial factor for the success of this type of treatment.

Will I Feel Pain During Implant Placement?

If appropriate anesthesia methods are applied, you will not feel pain during implant placement. Depending on the patient’s preference, general or local anesthesia can be used during the operation.

After the surgery, there may be some discomfort similar to the pain experienced after a tooth extraction. This discomfort, which is usually felt on the evening of the implant placement, can be alleviated with simple pain relievers. In cases where the treatment is successfully completed, you will feel comfortable to the point that you may not even notice the presence of the implants.

What Happens If The Implant Screw Fails To Integrate With The Jawbone?

When appropriate implants and techniques are used, the likelihood of such a scenario is extremely low. Such a failure typically occurs within the first 3 months following the surgical procedure. In such a case, the implant should be removed as easily as a tooth extraction. After the healing of the area, a new implant can be placed, or one of the conventional types of dentures can be considered as an alternative.

Is There A Possibility Of The Body Rejecting Implants?

Implants are made of materials that have no adverse effects on the body and have been extensively researched for years. These materials are materials that have never been a part of a living organism.

It is not possible for the body to produce antigens against them and reject them, as in the case of heart and kidney transplants. Implants used in the treatment of missing teeth are among the most important medical products produced with advanced technology. Therefore, they are not organisms that the body would reject.

The aim of aesthetic dental treatment is to ensure that teeth appear healthy, natural, aesthetic, and beautiful without causing any functional loss. Within this scope, the treatment is performed for teeth with gaps, decay, misalignment, fractures, and shape, tissue, and form irregularities.

Various specialties in dentistry, such as Orthodontics, Periodontics, Implantology, Prosthetic Treatments, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, are utilized for aesthetic dental treatments. These treatments can range from white fillings, porcelain fillings, teeth whitening methods, laser technology, and laminate applications, drawing on expertise from various fields of dentistry.

Applications in Aesthetic Dental Treatments

  • Empress Veneer
  • Laminate Veneer
  • Hollywood Smile
  • Monolithic Zirconia
  • Zirconium Coating
  • Metal-Ceramic Crown

Empress Veneer

Empress veneers are porcelain types that are reinforced by placing ceramic on a glass ceramic piece without the use of any metal material, which increases their durability. They are composed of ceramic material.

Empress veneers are known for their excellent light transmission. They are widely used in prosthetic procedures. Empress veneers are often preferred in aesthetic treatments due to their durability and successful results. They also yield successful results in patients with issues in their front teeth.

Other dental treatments where Empress veneers are used include age-related discoloration, root canal-treated teeth, and individuals with gaps between their teeth.

Laminate Veneer

Laminate veneer is the most preferred treatment method for smile design. With this treatment, it is possible to correct gaps, discoloration, wear, and even misalignment between your teeth.

Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are as thin as a fingernail. The porcelain veneers are bonded to the teeth after the front surfaces of the teeth are minimally roughened.

Hollywood Smile

In this visual era, everyone desires to have a more aesthetic smile. Hollywood Smile is the brand name for an aesthetic smile design that allows you to have a smile similar to Hollywood stars.

Hollywood Smile involves cosmetic procedures aimed at achieving the perfect shape, color, and size of the teeth. The most common cosmetic procedure involves the use of porcelain veneers designed to cover the surface of your teeth.

Monolithic Zirconium

Monolithic zirconium is a type of veneer that is applied on zirconium without the use of porcelain. The new generation of monolithic zirconium treatment offers an aesthetic appearance and very high fracture resistance, making it a popular choice today.

Unlike traditional zirconium veneer methods, monolithic zirconium is applied on zirconium without the addition of porcelain. By coloring and dressing the zirconia, highly aesthetic and fracture-resistant crowns are achieved.

Treatments performed with monolithic zirconia are completed in a much shorter time compared to alternative methods. Monolithic zirconia coatings are recommended in the following cases:

  • For individuals with limited time for treatment,
  • For individuals with fractures and wear problems in their front teeth,
  • For individuals with tooth damage due to teeth grinding,
  • For individuals with tooth and gum discoloration,
  • For cases that require a highly durable veneer,
  • For individuals who have difficulty biting food and experience tooth sensitivity,
  • For individuals with severe tooth sensitivity issues.

Zirconium Crown

In this system, the zirconium alloy that has a white color is used as a base instead of metal. Although many things affect the appearance of crowns, the most important thing is their reaction to light. Natural teeth transmit light. As a result, depth and vitality occur in the tooth. Due to their light-transmitting properties, metal-free porcelain crowns (Empress-Zirconium) have a greater depth and vitality.

Zirconium or Empress crowns can be made in cases where there is no tooth loss, excessive damage, or when the laminate crown approach may be insufficient. However, in cases of tooth loss, only zirconium crowns should be preferred.

Metal-Ceramic Crown

Metal-ceramic crown is a type of dental prosthesis recommended for restoring damaged and tissue loss-related dental conditions. It is applied with the purpose of saving teeth.

Metal-ceramic crown can be thought of as protective shell that is attached to the refined tooth. This allows the tooth to regain its natural shape and functionality. The inner part of this crown is made of metal, while the part visible in the mouth is covered with ceramic in the color of the tooth.

The metal substructure provides support to the ceramic on the outer part, but it remains invisible in the mouth. The ceramic is applied layer by layer by a dental technician, resulting in a very natural and aesthetic outcome.

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of abnormalities that affect the development of teeth and jaws. It primarily focuses on the alignment of teeth, the correction of crooked teeth, the closure of gaps between teeth, and bringing the jaw structure into proper alignment.

Orthodontic treatment can be applied to patients of different ages. In children, it can start at an early age to monitor and intervene in the development of teeth and jaw structure. In adults, various treatment options can be offered for teeth alignment and correction of the jaw structure.

Methods Used in Orthodontic Treatment

The methods used in orthodontic treatment include braces, wires, clear aligners, and other appliances. These treatments are applied by dentists and can last from a few months to several years.

What is the Aim of Orthodontic Treatment?

The aim of orthodontic treatment is to properly align the teeth and correct any irregularities in the jaw structure, enabling the patient to have a healthier oral structure. Orthodontic treatment corrects dental misalignment and jaw discrepancies, not only for aesthetic purposes but also to prevent potential gum diseases, cavities, and temporomandibular joint disorders in the future. It also helps improve chewing function and speech disorders.

Scope of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment can be applied during the primary dentition phase to address issues caused by habits such as thumb-sucking and lip-biting. Thus, eliminating problems that may lead to permanent skeletal abnormalities.

The mixed dentition phase is also within the scope of orthodontics. During this phase, both primary and permanent teeth are present in the mouth. Space discrepancies may arise when primary teeth are lost prematurely and fail to guide the eruption of permanent teeth. Orthodontics addresses these space discrepancies. Additionally, this phase involves ongoing jaw development. Orthodontic treatment encompasses the correction of any disharmony between the upper and lower jaws.

During the permanent dentition phase, orthodontics focuses on correcting irregularities in the alignment of teeth. Treatment also includes addressing irregularities resulting from gum diseases and the alignment issues caused by congenitally missing or lost teeth.

When Should You Visit an Orthodontist?

While abnormalities in jaw structure should be corrected at an early age, there is time for treatment when only teeth are misaligned. Adults can visit an orthodontist at any age. However, the treatment duration increases with age.

Visiting an orthodontist at an early age does not necessarily mean starting treatment immediately. If a child has regular check-ups with an orthodontist, potential problems can be monitored. Therefore, intervention can be provided at the most appropriate time.

Is There An Age Limit For Orthodontic Treatment?

Age is not a concern when it comes to correcting issues related to teeth alignment. Orthodontic treatment can be applied to young and old alike, as long as the teeth and gums are healthy. However, it is generally believed that treatment duration increases with age.

If there is a skeletal abnormality, age becomes important, and treatment should be initiated before reaching adolescence. After jaw development is complete, it is not possible to intervene in bone growth. Therefore, skeletal issues can only be corrected through surgery in later years.

How is Orthodontic Treatment Applied?

Orthodontic treatment refers to the various methods used to correct the alignment of teeth and jaw structure. Orthodontic treatment can be divided into fixed and removable treatments. These treatments can provide many benefits in terms of aesthetics, functionality, and oral health. The most common orthodontic treatment methods include:


Braces are small appliances attached to the surface of the teeth. They can be made of metal, ceramic, or clear plastic. Braces are combined with wires and exert the necessary force to keep the teeth in the correct position. This is the most commonly used and effective orthodontic treatment method.

Clear Aligners:

Clear aligners are custom-made trays that are worn over the teeth. These trays are designed to facilitate tooth movement. Since the aligners are removable, brushing and eating become easier.

Lingual Braces:

Lingual braces are brackets placed on the back of the teeth. This method is less noticeable and invisible. However, it is more challenging to apply, requiring expertise from dentists.

Self-Ligating Braces:

This method uses specially designed wires to align the teeth. The wires apply pressure to the teeth, pushing them into the correct position and ensuring they stay in place over time.

Orthodontic treatment methods can vary depending on the individual’s needs and are determined by the dentist. Depending on the condition of the teeth and jaw structure, a single method or a combination of methods may be used.

How Long Does Orthodontic Treatment Take?

The duration of orthodontic treatment depends on several factors. However, the severity of the orthodontic problem is the most significant. Compared to other dental treatments, orthodontic treatment is a lengthy process. To complete the treatment as quickly as possible, it is important to follow your dentist’s instructions and not miss appointments.

What Are the Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment?

When there is dental misalignment, it becomes difficult to clean the teeth properly. Therefore, increasing the risk of cavities and gum diseases. Orthodontic treatment eliminates this risk. During the closing of the upper and lower teeth, they should interlock properly. However, if misalignment is present, some teeth make contact earlier than others and are subjected to excessive force. This can lead to problems in the teeth and jaw joint, depending on the strength of the force. Orthodontic treatment prevents the occurrence of these problems.

Are There any Challenges in Orthodontic Treatment?

During orthodontic treatment, you can continue to do most of the things you normally do. However, certain restrictions may apply to food consumption, as gum, acidic drinks, and hard foods can damage orthodontic appliances. Additionally, since orthodontic treatment is a long-term process, it is important not to miss appointments.

Is It Possible For Orthodontic Appliances To Be Unnoticeable From The Outside?

Due to advancements in technology used in oral and dental health treatments, it is now possible to use braces that are less noticeable from the outside and blend with the natural color of the teeth. Additionally, by placing the braces on the backside of the teeth, facing the palate and tongue, it is possible to make them completely unnoticeable from the outside.

Cosmetic dentistry is a field that involves various procedures to improve the color, appearance, and aesthetics of teeth and gums for cosmetic purposes. The cosmetic dentistry procedures are as follows:

  • Teeth Whitening
  • Tooth Gem Attachment
  • Gingival Depigmentation Procedure

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a method used to restore the natural whiteness of teeth or achieve a whiter appearance. It can help eliminate discoloration and give you whiter teeth.

The whitening procedure is performed by a dentist who removes stains from the surface of the teeth and makes them brighter. Teeth whitening is different from the polishing procedure done after a dental cleaning. During teeth whitening, the natural shade of the teeth can be lightened by 2-3 shades.

Teeth whitening can be done in a clinical setting by the dentist through an in-office whitening treatment, or it can be done by the patient at home using custom-made transparent trays with whitening gels containing lower concentrations of whitening agents.

Tooth Crystal Application

Tooth crystals, also known as tooth gems, are a popular choice for those who want to add sparkle to their smile in recent years. Tooth crystals are applied to the tooth surface to create a difference in the appearance of the tooth and the person’s smile.

Tooth crystals, or tooth gems, are not easily detached from the tooth surface and can be easily reattached if they fall off. This makes them an advantageous cosmetic dentistry procedure that can be applied at any age.

Gingival Depigmentation Procedure

Gingival depigmentation procedure is performed when the gums have a dark color. This condition is usually caused by melanin pigmentation or the accumulation of other pigments in the gum tissues. Dark-colored gums can be a cosmetic concern and negatively impact a person’s smile.

The gingival depigmentation procedure aims to reduce or completely eliminate the dark pigments in the gum tissues to achieve a lighter color. These treatments can be used alone or in combination, depending on the individual’s needs and preferences.

Oral, Dental, and Maxillofacial Surgery is a specialized field of dentistry that involves the treatment of both soft tissue (cheeks, palate, tongue, lips, muscles) and hard tissue (teeth, bones) pathologies such as cysts or tumors that develop in the oral cavity. It also includes the extraction or retention of impacted or embedded teeth and corrective procedures to assist in prosthesis construction.

Oral, Dental, and Maxillofacial Surgery

Jaw and facial pain, temporomandibular joint disorders, and salivary gland disorders are also within the scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Additionally, diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of oral manifestations of certain systemic diseases are conducted.

Wisdom Teeth

As we all know, the last teeth to continue growing in our mouths are the third molars. They usually start erupting between the ages of 17 and 25. Whether or not these teeth should be retained in the mouth is a matter of debate. If they erupt in the correct position and do not cause harm to the surrounding tissues, there is no harm in keeping these teeth in place.

If a tooth is fused to the jawbone and is found to be in an abnormal position (detected by X-ray), extraction may be decided to prevent future damage. In cases of space constraint behind the tooth, its eruption may be obstructed by the gum, bone, or other neighboring teeth.

What are the Situations That Require the Extraction of Wisdom Teeth?

Tooth Decay

Saliva, bacteria, and food particles accumulate in the socket created by the emerging tooth, posing a threat to both the wisdom tooth and the adjacent molar. It is quite challenging to detect and treat these types of decay. Severe symptoms such as pain, infection, and resulting abscesses may occur.

Gum Disease (Pericoronitis)

A partially erupted wisdom tooth creates a focus of infection where bacteria and food debris accumulate within the gum. This condition can cause bad breath, pain, swelling, and trismus (inability to fully open the mouth). The infection can spread to the cheek and neck through lymphs. The susceptible environment around the wisdom tooth is prone to recurring infections.

Pressure Discomfort

If pressure is applied to adjacent teeth during growth, discomfort may be felt due to crowding. In some cases, this pressure can lead to abrasion.

Orthodontic Reasons

Many young individuals undergo orthodontic treatment to correct dental misalignments. The erupting force of wisdom teeth can also affect other teeth, causing movement and exacerbating misalignments.

Prosthesis Reasons

When planning for a prosthesis, the presence of wisdom teeth needs to be considered. After the extraction of wisdom teeth, a new prosthesis may need to be made to accommodate the changed oral structure.

Cyst Formation

Cystic cases caused by impacted teeth have been observed. Cysts can lead to bone destruction, jaw expansion, and displacement or damage to surrounding teeth. To prevent bone destruction, the tooth needs to be extracted, and the cyst needs to be removed.

In rare cases, if the cyst spreads to a large area, it can transform into a tumor or cause spontaneous fractures in the jawbone.

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